Growing old was never a thought that crossed my mind as a child or teenager. In fact, I never considered it in my 20’s or even my 30’s. But recently, now that I’m about to be 42, I’ve noticed a small ache here and there and a decrease in strength. I’m still very active, but I can totally see that I can no longer do some of the things I once did. Take for instance surfing. As a teenager, we lived in Jacksonville, Florida briefly. While living there, I took up surfing and enjoyed doing it as often as I could catch a ride to the beach. But, if you were to take me to the beach now, I would more than likely swim in the ocean, but there’s no way I would attempt to surf. Faith is just the opposite. As we grow in our walk with Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, we become more willing to step out in faith and try new mission ideas, witnessing techniques and we develop a desire for the things of God. We start our walk with Christ as a “Baby”, then we grow into a mature “Adult”. I may not be as young as I used to be, but praise God that as I age, I grow closer to Him.
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